Quizzic Alley’s COVID-19 Safety Plan

Keeping our customers and our team safe and healthy

Quizzic Alley is a magical place, visited by witches, wizards and Muggles of all ages. Some of them even work here!

This plan outlines the procedures, precautions and steps we are taking to meet that goal both in the retail space (Sydney and Canberra) and in the room where group gatherings and celebrations are held (the party room or Potions Classroom in Canberra).

For the purposes of this document, “staff members” includes any volunteers, those on work experience and the owners’ family members.


Quizzic Alley has resumed normal opening hours with the following restrictions and guidelines:

  • Advertised capacity of the retail store is 30 customers but the actual capacity is 40 in line with the 4sqm per person rule. This allows party guests to be escorted through the store.
  • A maximum of two staff members behind the counter at a time.
  • Hands to be sanitised before serving QBrew.
  • Members of staff are encouraged to install the CovidSafe app.
  • Regular cleaning of the bathrooms.
  • Cleaning of all touchpoints in the store throughout the day.
  • Cleaning of all touchpoints in the car between groups.
  • Tables in front of the sales counter to ensure physical distance between customers and staff at point of sale.
  • Disinfectant surface spray in the bathrooms and signage to encourage customers to clean touchpoints after use.
  • Hand sanitiser at store entry.
  • Signage out the front and throughout the store encouraging social distancing and hand sanitising.


    As per Canberra’s recovery plan, retail must follow the one person per 4sqm rule in the first stage which means potions classes are limited to 10 attendees (not including staff or a supervising adult). As the ACT Government advises of changes, Quizzic Alley will adjust procedures and restrictions accordingly.

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    Parties in our potions classroom will be limited to ten attendees, one parent/carer and one staff member to allow for 4sqm per person. There are two groups of users we need to consider when implementing safe procedures and practices in the party room: staff members and attendees (parents/carers and children).

    Staff members

    With most gatherings in the party room comprised of mostly children, the risk of cross-infection between children and between groups is high.

    Quizzic Alley must maintain a safe space in which attendees can celebrate and have some fun. Although all Quizzic Alley staff members have responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all visitors, those working in the party room will:

  • Wash their hands before and after the party
  • Wear a mask at all times

    While the responsibility to create a safe environment rests with all staff members, the Professor (the staff member hosting the party) has particular responsibility to ensure the following pre-party measures are adhered to:

  • Clean the bathrooms, ensuring soap, paper towel and spray disinfectant are available for use.
  • Clean the party room, paying particular attention to touch points, eg. tables, door handles, water dispensers.
  • Ensure clean cauldrons, glue bottles, ice serving spoons are used at each party.

    The Professor will also ensure attendees:

  • Sanitise their hands before the party and wash their hands before and after eating.
  • Maintain their position on designated spots marked on the floor during potions activities.
  • Avoid person-to-person contact and unnecessary contact with furniture, fixtures, props and equipment.

    The format of the potions activities has changed and is as follows:

  • The briefing will be conducted in the party room instead of in the store.
  • Attendees will not touch the bone dust spoon or the ‘blood’ droppers. Both will be handled by the Professor, or another staff member.
  • There will be one 20 minute food break in the middle of the party. Parents must pack up food after this break.
  • Equipment from the first potion will be cleaned during the food break.

    Food is a must for parties, particularly children’s parties. Quizzic Alley is asking those who book parties to bring their own food. However, if Quizzic Alley is required to supply food (limited to fruit platters, fairy bread and cake prepared off-site), just one staff member will prepare the food, following these safety measures:

  • Wear food safe gloves.
  • Use clean utensils, cutting board and serving platter.
  • Provide clean serving utensils, plates, napkins and tongs with the food.
  • Provide clean drinking glasses and spoons for each party attendee.Party attendees
    Procedures and restrictions have been put in place to ensure the safety of all visitors to the store and the safe passage of party attendees through the store to the party room behind.

    Party attendees will:

  • Sanitise their hands upon entry to the store and once in the party room.
  • Wash their hands before and after eating and after the party.
  • Stand on floor markers while doing potions.
  • Be encouraged to avoid person-to-person contact and to not touch any equipment, furniture, fixtures or props unnecessarily.Movement into and through the store will be controlled:
  • Parents/carers and party attendees will be allowed into the store based on the maximum advertised capacity of 30 people at one time.
  • Parents/carers will not be permitted to congregate in the store to chat or wait until the party starts. They will be asked to do so on the grass area out the front of the store.
  • All visitors who enter the store will be asked to use hand sanitiser.
  • When the room and the Professor is ready, party attendees (both in the store and outside) will be asked to move from the store into the party room.
  • Party attendees will move directly into the party room and wait on a marked spot for the party to commence.Party groups are welcome to bring food. The following guidelines and restrictions apply:
  • Over-catering is discouraged. Quizzic Alley will ask parents/carers to realistically consider the amount of food required.
  • If setup is required, parents/carers will be allowed into the party room. Parents/carers will be encouraged to leave food in the car until access to the party room is granted.
  • There will be a 20 minute break in the middle of the party for food and cake. Once the break is over, the parent/carer must pack up the food to prevent grazing.
  • Parents/carers are encouraged to bring enough utensils and plates to ensure attendees are not handling or touching food that others will eat.Birthday candles – although traditional and fun to blow out – present a risk in regard to the spread of COVID-19. For the moment, traditional candles will not be permitted. Sparkler candles and battery operated candles are allowed.

    After the party parents/carers collecting attendees will be allowed into the store as long as numbers permit. Those collecting children will be given preference over party attendees waiting to enter and any other customers.

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